Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Homeless resident found dead

Another Vallejo resident has passed away. And at this point, she is believed to be homeless. This type of a mysterious tragedy should not be happening this day in age. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her and her family.

As a community, let's take responsibility.


Times-Herald Article

Woman's body found near Vallejo restaurant
Officials say no sign of foul play, woman may have been homeless
By Rachel Raskin-Zrihen/Times-Herald staff writer
Posted: 04/06/2009 12:17:35 PM PDT

A woman was found dead in a Vallejo restaurant parking lot Monday morning, though foul play doesn't seem to have been involved, officials said.

The body was discovered by an employee of Vallejo's Olive Garden restaurant, in the business' parking lot. The call came in around 8 a.m., said Jimmy Pierson, operations manager of Medic Ambulance Service, who responded to the call.

A call to Vallejo Fire Department was canceled once the paramedics determined the woman was already dead, said firefighter Kurt Henke.

"She's listed as a Jane Doe as of now," Pierson said. "She appeared to be about 40 and there were no obvious signs of foul play. And she appeared to be homeless. She had two shopping bags of personal belongings."

The body, which looked to be that of a Caucasian woman, was found laying face up in a parking space, near a shrub, and seems to have been dead "for a while, for sure more than an hour," Pierson said.

Contact staff writer Rachel Raskin-Zrihen at (707) 553-6824 or RachelZ@thnewsnet.com.

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